
Preventive Botox: Does this procedure actually prevent wrinkles?

Botox is recognized by the forefront in the trend of non-invasive procedures and works weakening, paralyzing certain muscles or even blocking certain nerves, according to the United States National Library of Medicine. It has been used to treat a range of issues, from the wrinkles, intense sweating, uncontrollable blinking, chronic migraines and more.

This procedure was maintained for years, in first place when it comes to minimally invasive procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery (article published in, in 2015 the amount of Botox given to people aged 13 to 19 compared to 2014 represented an increase of 7%, totaling about 19,170 people.

Preventive Botox, in this way, is a trend that involves the application of Botox even before wrinkles appear on your face, at the age of 20, for example. This process prevents theoretically, wrinkles to form, avoiding the need to fix them later. However, here is the question of this new trend: receiving injections in their 20 year old can really prevent wrinkles later?

According to plastic surgeons, it is necessary to avoid exaggerations and illusions that the wrinkles will not exist if Botox is applied early, while that botulinum toxin paralyzes the muscle and does not act improving it. It is important to consider that after the second or third application, the body creates antibodies against the toxin, decreasing the duration of the results. This way, the sooner young people start the application; it will require more applications during life, made in a shorter period of time. This procedure should even promote a natural, young and relaxed effect, preventing paralyzed and artificial effect in the short and long term result.

Dr. Cassiano F. Beller’s opinion

I thought this article (Is preventative botox a farce?) published by the website very interesting and current, since the use of botulinum toxin (better known by the trade name Botox) became the most popular esthetic procedure nowadays, and not without reason, as well as being a simple and quick application, it has an effect that no other esthetic procedure could provide since the emerging of liposuction.  

It has so far discussed the early use of Botox, even without presenting wrinkles, as a way of preventing their appearance over time. Even that I thought we should only act when there is a formal complaint of the patient and the effective presence of the problem, this issue does not cease to be interesting and attract attention.
